(双月刊) 目 次
混凝土K-R阻力曲线的实用解析方法……………………………莫卓凯, 董 伟, 吴智敏, 曲秀华(9)
我国水库大坝风险评价与决策研究…………………………彭雪辉,盛金保,李 雷,张士辰,刘来红(49)
潮间带地区跨海大桥设计流速计算分析………………………………翟剑峰,东培华,熊 伟,董 佳(62) 利用PLAXIS软件计算考虑降雨的边坡稳定性
………………………………………………孔郁斐,周梦佳,宋二祥,杨军,张龙英,施洪刚,刘 剑(70)
不同垂直荷载与剪切速率条件下水泥稳定风化砂直剪试验研究 …………………………………………………………………杨 俊,杨
志,张国栋,唐云伟,陈红萍(77) 基于FLUENT的库区涌浪数值模拟……………………………………邓成进,袁秋霜,侯延华,贾 巍(84)
秦淮河船闸扩容改造工程围堰设计方案优化…………………………丁 跃,张友利,唐云清,王玉波(92)
降雨入渗过程中土质边坡稳定性计算……………………邢小弟,张 磊,谈叶飞,邱城春,谢兴华(98)
(Total No.145)
Calculation method for earth pressure and stability of
high submerged toe walls of concrete faced rockfill dams
………………………………………………FU Zhong-zhi,WANG Zhan-jun,CHEN Sheng-shui(1) A
practical analytical approach to determine K-R curves of concrete
………………………………………………MO Zhuo-kai,DONG Wei,WU Zhi-min,QU Xiu-hua(9)
Calculation method for load-carrying capacity of circular reinforced
concrete members covered with steel tube ……………………………………WANG Ting-wei,GONG
Jin-xin,WU Zhi-liang,ZHU Xiao-yu(18) Experimental analysis of abnormal
phenomena in concrete fracture process based on acoustic emission
signals-characterization ……………………………………………………………FAN Xiang-qian,HU
Shao-wei,LU Jun(26) Experimental studies on hydrodynamic characteristics in
level crossing entrance area of the river confluence ………………………………LU
Yin-jun,JIA Dong-dong,WAN Qian-shan,ZHANG Xing-nong(32) Equivalent
temperature for the port asphalt pavement surface course
………………………………………………………………………HU Hong-long,TAN Zhi-ming(37) Water level
drop characteristics and its control measures for lower near-dam reaches of
Changzhou hydro-junction on the Xijiang River …………PANG Xue-Song,DU
Jing-min,JIA Dong-dong,ZHANG Xing-nong,CAO Min-xiong (42) Dam risk
evaluation and decisionmaking research of China ……………………PENG Xue-hui,SHENG
Jin-bao,LI Lei,ZHANG Shi-chen,LIU Lai-hong(49) Monitoring control standard
for seawall based on orthogonal design …………………………………………………………………………HU
Heng,DONG Zhi-liang(55) Calculation and analysis of design current velocity
for Lianyungang Haibin bridge in intertidal zone …………………………………………ZHAI
Jian-feng,DONG Pei-hua,XIONG Wei,DONG Jia(62) Slope stability analysis in
consideration of rainfall influence based on PLAXIS software
…………………………………………KONG Yu-fei,ZHOU Meng-jia,SONG Er-xiang,YANG Jun, ZHANG
Long-ying,SHI Hong-gang,LIU Jian(70) Direct shear test analysis of
cement-stabilized weathered sand under different vertical loads and shear rates
………………YANG Jun,YANG Zhi,ZHANG Guo-dong,TANG Yun-wei,CHEN Hong-ping(77)
Numerical simulation of the surge based on FLUENT software
……………………………………DENG Cheng-jin,YUAN Qiu-shuang,HOU Yan-hua,JIA Wei(84)
Cofferdam design optimization for modification work of Qinhuai River
shiplock ……………………………………DING Yue,ZHANG You-li,TANG Yun-qing,WANG Yu-bo(92)
Calculation method for soil slope stability under the action of
precipitation infiltration ……………………XING Xiao-di,ZHANG Lei,TAN Ye-fei,QIU
Cheng-chun,XIE Xing-hua(98)
潜没式高趾墙土压力与稳定计算方法 傅中志, 王占军, 陈生水 (南京水利科学研究院
水利部土石坝破坏机理与防控技术重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210029)
关键词:面板堆石坝; 高趾墙; 土压力; 稳定分析
Calculation method for earth pressure and stability of high
submerged toe walls of concrete faced rockfill dams
FU Zhong-zhi,
WANG Zhan-jun,CHEN Sheng-shui (Key Laboratory of Failure Mechanism and
Safety Control Techniques of Earth-Rock Dam, Ministry of Water Resources,Nanjing
Hydraulic Research Institute,Nanjing 210029,China)
Abstract: High submerged toe walls are important hydraulic structures
in many concrete face rockfill dams. The surface load exerted upon the
backfilled rockfill materials is the hydraulic pressure, which is neither evenly
distributed nor vertically downward. This load condition is evidently different
from that given by designing codes of the retaining walls, in which the surface
load is generally vertically downward and evenly distributed. Therefore,
evaluating the earth pressure according to such designing specifications may
give improper results. In this study, based on Coulomb′s earth pressure theory,
the methods for evaluating the active earth pressure and the passive earth
pressure on the high submerged toe walls are discussed. The necessity of
numerical calculation of the earth pressures by changing the inclination angle
of the slipping mass over its possible range is clarified by simple case
studies. Two specific conditions that require further stability analysis for the
high toe walls are also fixed, namely the horizontal water pressure is less than
the horizontal component of the active earth pressure or more than the
horizontal component of the passive earth pressure on the high toe walls (the
slidingresistance stability problem doesn′t exist when the horizontal water
pressure is between the horizontal component of the active earth pressure and
the horizontal component of the passive earth pressure on the high toe walls).
Moreover, the problems regarding the evaluation of the overturn moment of the
high toe walls and the feasible approach to solve the problems are pointed out
in the paper. Key words: concrete face rockfill dam; high toe wall; earth
pressure; stability analysis
混凝土KR阻力曲线的实用解析方法 莫卓凯,董 伟,吴智敏,曲秀华 (大连理工大学 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室,
辽宁 大连 116024)
A practical analytical approach to determine K-R curves of
MO Zhuo-kai,DONG Wei,WU Zhi-min,QU Xiu-hua (State Key
Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology,
Dalian 116024, China)
Abstract: Based on the crack propagation criterion for the mode I
crack, a practical analytical method is developed for determining the crack
extension resistance curves of concrete. In this method, the crack extension
resistance is composed of the initial fracture toughness KiniIc and the
resistance caused by the cohesive force, equaling the driving force of the crack
extension. It is concluded that as long as the initial fracture toughness
KiniIc, the elastic modulus E, the tensile strength ft and the fracture energy
GF of concrete are obtained,the KR extension resistance curves can be calculated
by using this method without testing the load-crack mouth opening displacement
curves. Further, the practical analytical method is applied to calculate the KR
extension resistance curves,the fracture process zone lengths and the cohesive
stress distribution for concrete with varied strength grades from C20 to
C120,different initial crack length/depth ratios and different depths under the
three-point bending conditions. Based on the numerical analysis results, it is
found that the KR extension resistance curves increase with the increase of the
strength grades,but the growth amplitude decreases,and when the strength grades
is larger than C60, the growth amplitude will tend to be stable; the KR
extension resistance curves are dependent of the initial crack length and
specimen depth,and when the ligament is long enough, the crack extension
resistance increases and then tends to be stable;the maximum lengths of the
complete fracture process zone decrease with the increase of concrete strength
grades;and the specimen size has remarkable impacts upon the fracture process
zone length.
Key words: concrete; KR extension resistance curve;fracture
process zone (FPZ);crack; cohesive force;fracture toughness of concrete cracking
圆形截面钢管钢筋混凝土构件承载力的计算 王廷伟1,贡金鑫1,吴志良2,朱晓瑜1 (1.大连理工大学
建设工程学部, 辽宁 大连 116024;2. 中交第三航务勘察设计院有限公司,上海 200032)
Calculation method for load-carrying capacity of circular
reinforced concrete members covered with steel tube
Ting-wei1,GONG Jin-xin1,WU Zhi-liang2,ZHU Xiao-yu1 (1. Faculty of
Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024,
China; 2. CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Company Limited,Shanghai 200032,China)
Abstract: Axial and eccentric compression experiments are carried out
on 8 circular reinforced concrete specimens covered with steel tube, and the
finite element method and the fiber model method are used to calculate the
load-carrying capacity of the specimens. Based on the experimental and
theoretical analysis,a simplified calculation method of the load-carrying
capacity for this kind of member is proposed in the study. The analysis indicate
that the finite element method result is relatively small, and that the results
of the load-carrying capacity of the specimens calculated by the fiber model
method agree well with the experimental results. The circular reinforced
concrete members covered with steel tube present the characteristics of both the
reinforced concrete and concrete filled steel tube members,showing higher
load-carrying capacity and greater deformability. The load-carrying capacity of
circular reinforced concrete members covered with steel tube can be calculated
by the method of the reinforced concrete member with the confined concrete. The
load-carrying capacity of the circular reinforced concrete members covered with
steel tube calculated by the simplified method is in good agreement with the
experimental results. Key words: reinforced concrete members covered with
steel tube;circular section;loadcarrying capacity;finite element method;fiber
model method
基于声发射信号表征混凝土断裂过程的异常现象 范向前, 胡少伟, 陆 俊 (南京水利科学研究院
水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210029)
关键词:混凝土; 断裂过程; 声发射; 裂缝; 循环荷载
Experimental analysis of abnormal phenomena in concrete fracture
process based on acoustic emission signals characterization
Xiang-qian,HU Shao-wei,LU Jun (State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water
Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute,
Nanjing 210029, China)
Abstract: As a kind of artificial stone, the fracture failure
process of concrete must have some randomness owing to impacts caused by
concrete placement. Based on the acoustic emission dynamic nondestructive
detecting technology, the objectivity of special test phenomenan has been
analyzed for both the crack propagation with deviation of notched concrete
three-point bending beam and the failure load reciprocating increase and
decrease of the reinforced concrete three-point bending beam. It is found from
the experimental results that the cracks propagate around the coarse aggregate
rather than along the prefabricated crack because the coarse aggregate is just
poured in the prefabricated crack tip. When the ratio of reinforcement is too
high, the failure load of the reinforced concrete will vary near the yield
strength of the bar cyclicly. It is thus clear that the instable load of the
reinforced concrete three-point bending beam specimen would depend on the level
of the ratio of concrete reinforcement bar. The research results indicate that
the acoustic emission technology can be taken as a new research method for
damage and fracture of concrete. Key words: concrete; fracture process;
acoustic emission; crack; cyclic loading
平交口门区水动力特征试验研究 陆银军1, 假冬冬2, 万乾山1, 张幸农2 (1.
江苏省水利勘测设计研究院有限公司, 江苏 扬州 225127; 2. 南京水利科学研究院 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210029)
关键词:平原河网; 平交口门; 水流特征; 横向流速; 试验研究
Experimental studies on hydrodynamic characteristics in level
crossing entrance area of the river confluence
LU Yin-jun1,JIA
Dong-dong2,WAN Qian-shan1,ZHANG Xing-nong2 (1. Jiangsu Surveying and Design
Institute of Water Resources Co., Ltd., Yangzhou 225127, China; 2. State Key
Laboratory of HydrologyWater Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing
Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210029, China)
Abstract: Usually in the plain a river which has separated into a
number of entwined channels called the plain river network areas, where the flow
concentration region is a common occurrence. Hydrodynamic characteristics of
flow structure in the level crossing entrance area (i.e. +-shaped river
confluence) are very complex due to common impacts given by crossing river
channels. In this study, model tests on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the
flow structure have been carried out and the law of variation under different
boundary conditions is investigated, taking the level crossing entrance, where
the Sanshan port-Wujin port is located at the Xingou River across the
Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, as a study example. Affected by suction flow of
the Sanshan port, the current obviously flows towards the left side and flows
into the Sanshan port during the inflow from the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to
the Sanshan port entrance area, which results in a transverse-current area with
in a certain range; affected by the Wujin port outflow′s backwater effect, the
reverse current zone with a larger range appears along the right side of the
Grand Canal located on the upstream outlet of the Wujin port, and the range of
the reverse current zone decreases with the decrease of flow velocity from the
Wujin port. The river channel boundaries have significant impacts upon the
hydrodynamic characteristics of the entrance area and the change in the boundary
conditions of the larger side where flow velocity is higher, which has the most
obvious impacts upon the hydrodynamic characteristics. In the similar level
crossing entrance area, regulation of the boundary conditions of the larger side
where flow velocity is higher should taken into account when the velocity
distribution is in need of change, especially for the boundary with larger flow
velocity. Key words: plain river network areas; level crossing entrance
(river confluence); flow pattern; transverse velocity; experimental study
港区沥青铺面面层的等效温度 胡洪龙, 谈至明 (同济大学, 交通运输工程学院, 道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,
上海 201804)
关键词:港区; 铺面工程; 面层等效温度; 疲劳寿命; 修正系数; Miner叠加原理
Equivalent temperature for the port asphalt pavement surface
HU Hong-long,TAN Zhi-ming (Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic
Engineering of Ministry of Education, School of Transportation Engineering,
Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)
Abstract: Unlike the vehicle loading upon the conventional
road pavement structure, the port pavement structure is characterized by many
types of shipping mechanical loads, heavy load carrying capacity, low operating
speed and having no more repetition frequency of the vehicle loading. According
to the port asphalt pavement design criteria, based on the tensile strain at the
bottom of the surface course, the tensile stress at the bottom of the semi-rigid
course, the compression strain on the top of the subgrade and Miner damage
superimposed principle, conception and calculation method of the equivalent
temperature for the port asphalt pavement surface course are introduced in this
study. Regression formulas among the standard equivalent temperatures for the
surface course, the altitude of the asphalt pavement located, pavement surface
average temperature and its standard deviation over the years are established.
To be simple and practical, the regression formulas between the equivalent
temperature for the surface course and two common meteorological parameters,
annual average temperature and difference of the highest and lowest monthly
average temperature, are established. The contour maps in China of the
equivalent temperatures for the surface course are drawn. Finally, the influence
rules of various factors on the equivalent temperatures for the surface course
are summarized and an approximate modified formula is given. Key words:
harbor district; pavement engineering; equivalent temperature for surface
course; fatigue life; modified coefficient; Miner superimposed principle
西江长洲枢纽下游近坝段水位下降特征及调控措施 庞雪松1, 杜敬民1, 假冬冬2, 张幸农2, 曹民雄2 (1.
广西壮族自治区港航管理局, 广西 南宁 530012; 2. 南京水利科学研究院 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210029)
关键词:长洲枢纽; 水位下降; 河床下切; 调控措施; 西江; 下游近坝段
Water level drop characteristics and its control measures for
lower Near-dam reaches of Changzhou hydro-junction on the Xijiang River
PANG Xue-Song1,DU Jing-min1,JIA Dong-dong2,ZHANG Xing-nong2,CAO
Min-xiong2 (1. Guangxi Bureau of Port Management, Nanning 530012, China; 2.
State Key Laboratory of HydrologyWater Resources and Hydraulic Engineering,
Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210029, China)
Abstract: Riverbed degradation and considerable falling of
water level along the downstream channel of the Changzhou hydro-junction are due
to the factors of released clear water, sand mining and waterway dredging, etc.
According to the measured water level and flow discharge data from Wuzhou
hydrometric station, the characteristics of the water level drop and its
influencing factors on the lower near-dam reaches of the Changzhou
hydro-junction are analyzed. In addition,the control measures to slow down the
water level drop have been investigated in the physical model tests. The design
water level given by the Wuzhou hydrometric station in 2012 was approximate 1.30
m lower than the initial design value. The water level drop is mainly due to the
natural evolution and sand mining during the period of 2000 to 2006. Reservior
operation, waterway regulation and sand mining were the main influence factors
from 2007 to 2012, however, the impact on the reservoir operation will gradually
decrease. Analysis of data and model test studies show that the deep pool
backfilling and construction of the spur dikes play a limited role in slowing
down the water level drop; by contrast, the regulation of the hydro-junction
(including raising the discharge, and increasing the diversion ratio of the
outside river channel) can considerably slow down the water level drop along the
lower near-dam reaches. Key words: Changzhou hydro-junction; water level
drop; riverbed degradation; control measures; Xijinag River; lower near-dam
我国水库大坝风险评价与决策研究 彭雪辉1, 盛金保1, 李 雷1, 张士辰1, 刘来红2 (1.
南京水利科学研究院, 江苏 南京 210029; 2. 南京南瑞集团公司, 江苏 南京210032)
关键词:大坝风险; 风险分类和分区; 风险评价; ALARP原则; 风险决策
Dam risk evaluation and decision-making research of China
PENG Xue-hui1,SHENG Jin-bao1,LI Lei1,ZHANG Shi-chen1,LIU Lai-hong2
(1. Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210029, China; 2. Nanjing
Nari Group Corporation, Nanjing 210032, China)
Abstract: The classification and subregion of reservoir
dam risk degree have been given in the study. By analyzing the features of the
risk criteria in the civil code of law and the common law systems, it is
suggested that the domestic dam risks can be classified into four regions:
acceptable risk, tolerable risk, unacceptable risk and extremely high risk.
Based on general principles of the risk evaluation, the implications of ALARP
principle both in the countries with the common law and in our country are
analyzed, and effects and applications of cost effectiveness method and
disproportionality ratio method in ALARP principle are stated in this paper.
Finally, the principles of dam risk decision-making are establised on a
scientific analysis base, which will provide a sound theoretical basis for
further research on dam risk and the formulation of dam risk criteria in China.
Key words: dam risk; risk classification and subregion; risk evaluation;
ALARP principle; risk decisionmaking
基于正交试验法的海堤安全监控控制标准 胡 珩, 董志良 (中交四航工程研究院有限公司,
广东 广州 510230)
关键词:海堤稳定; 正交试验法; 水平位移速率; 施工监控; 控制标准
Monitoring control standard for seawall based on
orthogonal design
HU Heng,DONG Zhi-liang (CCCC Fourth Harbor
Engineering Institute Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510230, China)
Abstract: The seawall stability influenced by many factors
has always been one of the difficult problems in engineering construction.
Construction monitoring is an available method to improve the safety of the
seawall, which has been widely used in seawall construction of hydraulic
engineering and portwaterway engineering. However, the quality of the
construction monitoring mostly depends upon reasonableness of the control
standard, and a reasonable and available monitoring control standard is the
important prerequisite to ensure the construction monitoring. At present, in the
current engineering practice the control standard is still mainly based on
engineering experiences, lacking in appropriate theoretical basis. Taking a
seawall project as a case study, many factors of the seawall stability are
analyzed with the orthogonal design, and it is found that the most important
factor impacting the seawall stability is the angle of internal friction. And
based on this point for analyzing the relationship between the safety factors
and the horizontal displacement rates, the monitoring control standard of the
horizontal displacement rates is put forward. The engineering practice, showing
that the control standards can well reflect the deformation characteristics of
the seawall, can provide a lot of references for similar works in the
development of scientific and reasonable control standards. Key words:
seawall stability; orthogonal design; horizontal displacement rate; construction
monitoring; control standard
潮间带地区跨海大桥设计流速计算分析 翟剑峰1,2, 东培华1,2, 熊 伟1,2, 董 佳1,2 (1.
江苏省交通规划设计院股份有限公司, 江苏 南京 210005; 2. 江苏省水运工程技术研究中心, 江苏 南京 211100)
关键词:跨海大桥; 潮间带; 干湿边界; 重现期; 数值模拟; 风浪作用
Calculation and analysis of design current velocity for
Lianyungang Haibin bridge in intertidal zone
ZHAI Jian-feng1,2,DONG
Pei-hua1,2,XIONG Wei1,2,DONG Jia1,2 (1. Jiangsu Provincial Communications
Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210005, China; 2. Water
Transport Engineering Research Center of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 211100,
Abstract: As one of the important parameters in the design of
the bridge, the design current velocity is closely related to the safety of the
bridge construction and its safe operation. Usually two kinds of prediction
methods including analysis by the measured data and calculation by a
mathematical model are used in the engineering practices. In order to ensure the
safety of the bridge construction and normal operation, it is necessary to
accurately predict the design current velocity. It is an available approach to
use the mathematical model to predict possible maximum current velocity in the
construction area. Therefore the mathematical model calculating the tidal
current in the engineering sea area is developed by use of 2D shallow water
equation and wet/dry boundary treatment technique based on the finite volume
method, and the model verification is carried out using the measured data. On
this basis, taking account of combinations of different working conditions with
and without wind and waves, the design current velocity for the bridge
construction position in the intertidal zone at different recurrence intervals
is calculated and analyzed,which has provided important parameters for the
bridge design and physical model tests. The calculated and analyzed results show
that the key factors such as wind and waves should be considered in calculating
design current velocity for bridge construction because they would cause greater
impacts on the flow field in the intertidal zone. Key words: seacrossing
bridge; intertidal zone; wet/dry boundary; recurrence intervals; numerical
simulation; action by wind and waves
利用PLAXIS软件计算考虑降雨的边坡稳定性 孔郁斐1, 周梦佳1, 宋二祥1, 杨 军1, 张龙英2, 施洪刚2, 刘
剑2 (1. 清华大学 土木工程安全与耐久教育部重点实验室, 北京 100084; 2. 中国建筑股份有限公司, 北京 100000)
关键词:非饱和土; 降雨渗流; 土坡稳定; 耦合计算; PLAXIS软件; Geo-Studio软件
Slope stability analysis in consideration of rainfall influence
based on PLAXIS software KONG Yu-fei1,ZHOU Meng-jia1,SONG Er-xiang1,YANG
Jun1, ZHANG Long-ying2,SHI Hong-gang2,LIU Jian2 (1. Key Laboratory of
Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of China Ministry of Education, Tsinghua
University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. China State Construction Engineering
Co.,Ltd., Beijing 100000, China)
Abstract: In order to analyze the slope stability in
consideration of the rainfall influences, it is necessary to couple the
calculation of the rainfall infiltration and the slope internal force. Special
characteristics of the unsaturated soils make the calculation more complex,
because the soil′s hydraulic permeability and strength would change with
moisture content. In the paper the principle of the effective stress of the
unsaturated soils is introduced. The similarities and differences of the
principle of effective stress and failure criteria used in the PLAXIS and
Geo-Studio softwares are compared. In PLAXIS, the finite element method is used
for unsaturated seepage calculation and a simplified Bishop effective stress
formula is applied to the calculation of consolidation, deformation and slope
stability. The constitutive models for the saturated soils can be used on that
basis. The Geo-Studio uses the finite element method for the unsaturated seepage
calculation and the limit equilibrium method for the calculation of the slope
safety factor, in consideration of Fredlund′s bilinear strength criterion.
Finally, details of the method for modeling the unsaturated slopes in PLAXIS are
presented with calculation examples. The calculation examples show that the
models in PLAXIS can accurately reflect rainfall-induced slope safety factor
variation. Therefore, this software can be adopted for the unsaturated soil
slope design and calculation in the future. Key words: unsaturated soil;
rainfall infiltration; slope stability; coupling calculation; PLAXIS software;
Geo-Studio software
不同垂直荷载与剪切速率条件下水泥稳定风化砂直剪试验研究 杨 俊1,2, 杨 志1,2, 张国栋1,2, 唐云伟3,
陈红萍4 (1. 三峡大学 三峡地区地质灾害与生态环境湖北省协同创新中心, 湖北 宜昌 443002; 2. 三峡大学 土木与建筑学院, 湖北 宜昌
443002; 3. 宜昌市交通运输局, 湖北 宜昌 443002; 4. 宜昌市公路管理局, 湖北 宜昌 443002)
关键词:水泥; 风化砂; 剪切速率; 垂直荷载; 抗剪强度; 黏聚力; 内摩擦角
Direct shear test analysis of cement-stabilized weathered sand
under different vertical loads and shear rates YANG Jun1,2,YANG Zhi1,2,ZHANG
Guo-dong1,2,TANG Yun-wei3,CHEN Hong-ping4 (1. Collaborative Innovation
Center of Geological Hazards and Ecological Environment in Three Gorges Area in
Hubei Province, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002,China; 2. Civil
and Architectural Institute, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002,
China; 3. Yichang Transport Bureau, Yichang 443002, China; 4. Yichang Highway
Administration, Yichang 443002, China)
Abstract: Taking the weathered sand situated in the Three
Gorges reservoir area as the research object, mixing different amounts of cement
with the weathered sand, and then changing the shear rates, changing the
overlying vertical load, indoor direct shear tests have been carried out. This
study has analyzed the impacts of the shear rates, the vertical load on the
shear strength index of the cement-stabilized weathered sand having different
cement contents. Experimental analysis results show that the shear rate and the
vertical load have a significant effect upon the shear strength index of the
cement-stabilized weathered sand. By the same action of the shear rates and the
vertical load, the cohesive force of the cement-stabilized weathered sand will
significantly increase with increase in the cement content, but the internal
friction angle will first become great and then small; when the cement content
is the same, increasing the shear rates and the vertical load will significantly
increase the cohesive force of the cement-stabilized weathered sand and reduce
its internal friction angle. When the shear rates are large, the sample in the
process of shear failure not only overcomes the slip among the particles, but
also overcomes the rotation of the particles and the transposition rolling
resistance to increase the cohesive force. Larger vertical load will make the
specimen have greater compression consolidation, reduce intergranular porosity,
increase the water stress and the vertical additional stress within pores, and
finally enhance the intergranular interaction force as well as the shear
strength of the weathered sand.
Key words: cement; weathered sand; shear
rate; vertical load; shear strength; cohesive force; internal friction angle
基于FLUENT的库区涌浪数值模拟 邓成进, 袁秋霜, 侯延华, 贾 巍
(中国水电顾问集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司, 陕西 西安 710065)
关键词:库区; 滑坡体; 爬坡过程; 最大浪高; 涌浪叠加; 挡水建筑物; 数值模拟
Numerical simulation of the surge based on FLUENT software
DENG Cheng-jin,YUAN Qiu-shuang,HOU Yan-hua,JIA Wei (HydroChina Xibei
Engineering Corporation, Xi′an 710065, China)
Abstract: Based on the fluid calculation FLUENT software,
surge changes within the reservoir area and its propagation along the reservoir
bank, caused by possible instability of the landslide-induced deformation body
in the reservoir area of a hydropower station, have been simulated. Some impacts
of the water retaining structure upon surge propagation along the reservoir bank
are taken into consideration and analyzed, and the initial swell height, and the
maximum wave height along the opposite bank, the reservoir bank and the dam site
are obtained by calculation analysis, and compared with the calculated results
given by PAN Jia-zheng method. Analysis results show that the numerical
simulation can well reflect the wave run-up process over the bank slope and wave
propagation along the reservoir banks, and the interaction by the wavy water
surface and the surge superposition in the reservoir area is actually simulated.
Due to barrier effect given by the dam structure, a higher swell is formed by
repeated water surface oscillation with the surge superposition in the reservoir
area. Thus the calculated initial swell and the maximum surge height within the
reservoir area well conform to the actual situation, which can provide
references for the engineering design and surge disaster prevention of the
reservoir area close to the dam site. Key words: reservoir area; landslide;
waves run-up process; the maximum surge; surge superposition; water retaining
structure; numerical simulation
秦淮河船闸扩容改造工程围堰设计方案优化 丁 跃1, 张友利2,3, 唐云清2,3, 王玉波3
(1. 江苏省淮沭新河管理处, 江苏 淮安 223005; 2. 南京水利科学研究院, 江苏 南京 210029; 3. 江苏科兴工程建设监理有限公司,
江苏 南京 210029)
关键词:秦淮河; 船闸; 强渗透性; 围堰方案; 设计优化
Cofferdam design optimization for modification work
of Qinhuai River shiplock
DING Yue1,ZHANG You-li2,3,TANG
Yun-qing2,3,WANG Yu-bo3 (1. Jiangsu Province Huai Shu New Canal
Administrative Office, Huaian 223005, China; 2. Nanjing Hydraulic Research
Institute, Nanjing 210029, China; 3. Jiangsu Kexing Engineering Construction
Supervision Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210029, China)
Abstract: Owing to the strong permeability of the cofferdam
foundation in the expansion and modification project of the Qinhuai River
shiplock, the cofferdam foundation must have a good anti-seepage capacity to
ensure that the main body of the shiplock is under construction on a dry site.
There were some problems in the original design proposals for the cofferdam
structure, and hence it is necessary to further optimize the design schemes.
After making the comparison and optimization of three kinds of the cofferdam
structure design schemes:“filling sand bags + impervious curtain, clay filling +
impervious curtain + backpressure platforms and clay filling + impervious
curtain + steel sheet pile”, a final design scheme “clay filling + impervious
curtain + backpressure platforms” has been adopted, thus ensuring the safety of
the cofferdam structure and flood control progress, and having significant
economic benefits. All of those may provide a useful reference for the design of
the cofferdam structure with similar geological conditions.
Key words:
Qinhuai River; shiplock; strong permeability; scheme of cofferdam; design
降雨入渗过程中土质边坡稳定性计算 邢小弟1,2, 张 磊3, 谈叶飞1, 邱城春4, 谢兴华1 (1.
南京水利科学研究院 交通运输部通航建筑物建设技术行业重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210029; 2. 河海大学 水利水电学院, 江苏 南京 210098; 3.
山东黄河河务局, 山东 济南 250011; 4. 青海玉能电力开发有限公司, 青海 西宁 810007)
关键词:降雨入渗; 抗剪强度; 压力水头; 边坡稳定性
Calculation method for soil slope stability
under-the action of precipitation infiltration
XING Xiao-di1,2,ZHANG
Lei3,TAN Ye-fei1,QIU Cheng-chun4,XIE Xing-hua1 (1. Key Laboratory of
Navigation Structure Construction Technology, MoT, Nanjing Hydraulic Research
Institute, Nanjing 210029, China; 2. College of Water Conservancy and
Hydropower, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; 3. Yellow River Shandong
Bureau, Jinan 250011, China; 4. Qinghai Yushu Electric Power Development Co.,
Ltd., Xining 810007, China)
Abstract: Based on the model test data, presenting the soil
shear strength parameters and precipitation infiltration time as a function of
the moisture content, modifying the simplified Bishop calculation model make it
being able to reflect the phenomenon that the strength of the soil mass would be
reduced by the change in the moisture content of the slope soil mass. With the
aid of Fortran program, a program which is coupling saturated-unsaturated
seepage finite element method and limit equilibrium slope stability (a corrected
simplified Bishop method) is developed in this study. The program takes into
account the slope soil shear strength parameters changed along with the
development of precipitation infiltration, using saturated-unsaturated seepage
for calculating variation and expansion process of the moisture content of the
slope soil mass during rainfall. Through physical model tests, slope seepage in
the development process and the process of change in the slope safety degree
under the rainfall conditions have been calculated and analyzed. And the
calculated results are good in agreement with the experimental research results,
which differs by about 35% from the slope safety factor given by the simplified
Bishop method before correction. This corrected simplified calculation method
for slope stability will provide a new useful reference for the calculation of
precipitationinduced landslides. Key words: precipitation infiltration;
shear strength; pressure head; slope stability