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CFLOOD Software
日期:2010年10月19日 09:10:33点击数:5047次字号:【

This presentation was given on the afternoon of October 14 by Dr. Junping Wang, who is Program Director of US National Science Foundation.

CFLOOD software,which involves the forecast calculation of surface water and underground water, can calculate surface water and ground water by using the latest calculation method and software development techniques in USA. The governing equation of surface water is Saint-Venant equation; the governing equation of underground water is Darcy’s equation; and the calculation method adopts mainly 1-D and 2-D finite control volume method. The moving boundary and multi-scale multi-physical coupling are considered in the model, and the quantity of physical state at last time step can replace the one at this current time step. The model can solve the non-linear problems preferably, with solution precision in a controllable range.

The main features of CFLOOD software include: (1) based on Microsoft's Windows platforms, (2) with the function of parallel and multi-core calculating, (3) real time simulation for rainfall, (4) flood forecasting for river flooded areas, and real-time evolution for flood threat, and (5) including numerical calculation for river sediment transport and the riverbed evolution, etc.

Although most of us were unfamiliar with basin rainfall and flood evolution, everybody felt enlightened a lot about model and calculation method.

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